  1. Mrs. Hyde

From the recording Mrs. Hyde



Are you my,
are you my
Mrs. Hyde?

Friday night is when I
come to life
like Dr. Jekyll
looking for his Mrs. Hyde.
Line ‘em up bartender, you know what I like,
rum and coke with a shot on the side.

Suit and tie
has come undone
I flipped my switch,
now let it run.

You can me doctor,
Dr. Jekyll, if you please.
Won’t you be
my Mrs. Hyde?

It’s full throttle,
she’s got the motion,
now come on baby,
I got your potion.
Come on baby taste my wild side,
she knows just what I like,
Call me Dr. Jekyll, she's my misses Hyde.

Suit and tie
has come undone
I flipped my switch,
now let it run.

You can me doctor,
Dr. Jekyll, if you please.
Won’t you be
my Mrs. Hyde?

Lyrics by Tammy Throneberry and Steven Williams